Round Games » Girl Games » Hair Styling Games » Stylish Hair Salon
8.2 / 10 - 1622

Stylish Hair Salon

Stylish Hair Salon is an interactive game where you will be prompted to go through the steps of washing, drying, cutting and styling hair. You'll use the mouse to perform your tasks. You will get to work with the layers of her hair by drying, combing, and then curling or flattening the different parts. When you're done, you can cut some or all of the hair and then go on to color the different layers. Once that's done you can find a headband or bow or any head accessory and slap it on. Then press "Show" and you can save your creation on your computer or print it out. Replay to make more crazy hair styles in Stylish Hair Salon!

Stylish Hair Salon Fullscreen
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